Research: codes and conventions (Empire)

Empire front covers:

Colour palette
the choice of colour palette in Empire magazines is based off of the main image, there are typically 3 colours.

the colour of the masthead is chosen in contrast to the main colour scheme usually, black or white. It is in large bold font so it stands out from the rest of the cover.
The main image is typically overlapping the masthead, this decision could have been made as they feel their masthead is fairly recognisable and people would not have trouble noticing what brand it is. It could also be to show that the main focal point is on the main cover image 

 Main image:
the main image takes up the majority of the page, and the people starring are usually staring directly into the camera or just past the camera. The main image usually features an actor from the film, sometimes in costume, so that people will recognise them. 
the people int the front cover are represented as brave and powerful in their costumes.

the cover lines are situated around the main image, they usually feature the most exciting stories inside the magazine to interest the audience.

Target audience: 
an audience who tends to watch lots of films and tv shows who will recognise the characters and actors on the covers. 3/4 male, 18-40, employed, in a relationship, university educated and time-poor.


The title of the page is seen at the top making it clearly visible to the audience so they know what page they are on. It is in large, bold text and coloured red which seems to be typical for most Empire contents pages. The colour makes the text stand out from everything, it also has a white streak going through the letters giving the effect that it is a neon sign. Neon signs have connotations of being retro showing that Empire has been around for a while and has built a reputation. The person featuring on the main image overlaps the title, which brings our focus down from the big title to the actor/character.

The page numbers are in a large, white, serif font which stands out from the rest of the text making it easy for the reader to find.  It is located to the side of the main person as to not take any attention away from the person starring.

The main image takes up the whole page, this advertises new films being shown in their cinemas, making the contents page look more interesting. In these two pages the two main images are completely different and contrasting. The man is shown in dark, fighting attire with a sword, representing him as fierce and brave. However the female is shown wearing a tight dress and handcuffs, these represent her as vulnerable as she cant move her arms freely. Her facial expression show that she is scared, whereas the males facial expression shows him as a fearless leader.

The date the issue was released is situated under the big contents title, making it easy for the audience to find the other issues released before or after this one.

Next to the page numbers there is a white text showing what kind of articles are featured in this magazine giving them more information about what is on the pages, so the audience can decide what they do and don't want to read beforehand. Their titles are in red and the text white so you can just look at the titles to see what it is generally about. 



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