Research: codes and conventions (total film)



Colour palette: 
based off of the main image colours 

Target audience:
18-34 predominantly male cinema enthusiasts. People who enjoy films or show interest in films and who will recognise the characters/actors - more likely to purchase the magazine.

Main image:
in the middle of the front cover, person is looking at the camera or slightly off to the side like they are looking into the distance.

Large, bold font normally basic shade colours like black, white and grey so that it stands out differently from the main colour scheme of the cover. The main image is typically overlapping the masthead, this decision could have been made as they feel their masthead is fairly recognisable and people would not have trouble noticing what brand it is. It could also be to show that the main focal point is on the main cover image 

the cover lines are placed around the main image in two main colours white and red or orange and white, the main cover line is placed on the bottom of the page below the main image. the red colour for some of the cover lines are contrasting against the blue background. the cover lies that are featured around the front cover link to the main image and also show other movies that people may recognise.


The title 'contents' is in large, black serif font which contrasts off of the white background, so the audience know what page they're on. The title seems to be more formal than some magazines, kind of like a newspaper title, giving us the illusion that total film is serious about their work. Next to the title there is a small picture of the front cover of this issue, both the contents page and the front cover star the same people on them reminding us what this issue is about, for example john wick is on the front cover and is also the star of the contents page.

The page is laid out into distinct categories and columns, again similar to a newspaper layout, making the audience associate this magazine with being trustworthy. The title is always at the top, the main image on the right hand side and the contents on the left. This makes the audience familiar with the layout and associate the contents page with Total Film. The date and issue number are found at the top of the page above the title so the audience can easily identify which issue this is and find the magazine before or after this date as well. It is in a red font matching other red accents around the page which pull all of the elements of the page together. Beneath the column of contents there is normally a photo of a character from a film giving us insight into what else may be inside the magazine, the text wraps around the small image and is the only part of the contents page which is not separated into its own space.

The main image does not take up the whole page and sometimes overlaps onto the second page.

The page number of the contents pages are in a black circle in white font, this makes it easy to locate because this page is filled with other numbers.



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